peace lies beyond the dale...

Paradise is under the shadow of swords- Our Master Muhammad, Peace be upon Him

Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword - Our Master Jesus, Peace be upon Him

Peace be Upon those who have declared war on themselves and are victorious

The joy of egos is the ruin of souls
the ruin of egos is the soul of joy
no rest until the war is won
The Sword of Love

And what is the sword of love?
It is a sword from heaven
coming to cut the heads of indifference, illusion, ingratitude.

May we lose our heads and gain our freedom!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

They'll Never Understand

They'll never understand you Sayyidi
You and them
Are like oil and water
You speak Jupiter
And they Mars
You're all Ahkirah
They reek of Dunya.

When you're too hard
They call you a tyrant
Too soft
They say you're unprofessional
Or worse,
you've lost it.

People of materialism
Can only see that which is in front of them.
Can only calculate what they see:
The geometry of imagination.
And what you're talking about
Is, as you say,
Beyond geometry
Beyond time space.

You can lead a horse to water but...
Don't cast pearls at...

Our history is full of these moments

But what you really taught us through all this
Is to forgive and love and forget
To make our hearts the size of the universe.

And this is finally,

The teaching

That makes us

The most happy!

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